15 May 2007

Week 4, Semester 3

Last week was taught by Liz Green. I believe she did some work on strathspey covering the Knot and in reel or jig time hello goodbye setting.

Step Practice
  • Skip change of step: Need to get a straight leg with pointed toe at the start. Need more elevation, hop, at the start.
  • Pas de basque: Most of you are getting a good weight transfer now.
  • Strathspey travelling: Also need to get a straight leg here.
  • Hello goodbye: Move only on the jete of the left pas de basque. That is, set and move, set and move, etc.
  • 1 couple allemande: progression in four bars. 1: dance round to the men's side. 2: dance down inside the set. 3: bring the lady in and under. 4: retire.
  • set and rotate: keep the body facing across for the setting. Cast round (including 1man and 2 lady), change places with your partner and chase round one place.
General Stuart's Reel
8x32 Reel Book ?
  • I prefer the corners to dance for four bars in the turn, although the manual says two.
  • Think of the body angles for the hello goodbye setting.
  • Remember to slide into place at the end of the 6 bar reels
The Earl of Home
8x32 Strathspey Book 12
  • Watch the lines going across in the set and pass right shoulders.
  • First couple adapt the end of the 1 couple allemande to face their corners.
  • Think of the body angles in the set to corners
  • Again, 6 bar reels so slide into place.
The Gilly Flower
8x32 Jig Book 36
  • This dance requires "continuous motion" for the first couple. Dance through the sideline positions at the end of each phrase.
  • It is horrible for 1st man to go from the set and rotate into the reel of 3.

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