01 May 2007

Week 2, Semester 3

Step Practice
We worked a bit on pas de basque. Main errors were:
  • Not getting 3 beats
  • Need a straight leg on the jete
  • Need to close in 3rd position
  • Turn out
We did the all round poussette in reel time. It is a bit of a beast of a figure and can never really be done neatly.
  1. Away from centre and quarter turn
  2. Up or down and quarter turn
  3. Into the centre
  4. Away from the centre and quarter turn
  5. Up or down and quarter turn
  6. Into the centre and start to turn.
  7. Turn to own side.
  8. Retire to own side lines.
Longwise Eightsome
32S + 32R Bk 18

This dance contains some difficult phrasing, e.g. right hands across half way in 4 bars, and cross right and cross right in 8 bars.

The Palindrome
2x32S + 2x32R Brockbank

The full instructions for this dance can be found at http://scottishdance.net/dances/ThePalindrome.html.

This dance is a bit of fun and attempts to be palindromic, i.e. the same forward as it is backwards. It is a good challenge on the brain and there are lots of covering points in the dance.

Next week's class will be taught by Liz Green.

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