29 September 2008

Demonstration class 2008/9

Another year of dancing is starting up, and I am contemplating what to teach in this year's demonstration class.

Well, as with the last time I was teaching, I will be keeping details of the dances that we cover in this blog. I hope that members of the class find this useful.

Please do comment on classes to let me know what you liked or what you disliked. Additionally, if there is anything that you would like me to cover/clear up, then either speak to me or leave me a comment (or even better do both).

See you at classes



Anonymous said...

I'll try to remember to comment up here if I have any comments; has to be said that last time I had little or no particular comments to make, it was an enjoyable class and I felt it improved my dancing as a Dem class should.

(I might have had a comment to make at the time but it was likely a rash and inaccurate one taken over the longer than a minute or two view! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I suspect this is the same request I always make, phrasing, in particular with reels of 3. I'd love for once to dance something like Irish Rover with the whole set phrasing it correctly rather than just rushing through it at high speed.

Jen in Edinburgh said...

Can we do Flowers of Edinburgh at some point?

I use it as a beginners' dance for teaching pousettes, but I danced it with a really good partner at the weekend and it was lovely - I'd like to do it again dem class style :)