10 February 2007

Newcastle Festival

Ladies Team

I felt that you did very well. It is always difficult to be the first team on as you have nothing to compare yourselves to and there are many unknowns. We were very unfortunate that the organisors had not informed the official musician of our dances until the morning. We were even more unfortunate that he played the Jig very quickly.

Adjudicator's Remarks

The Royal Wedding (S)
The team took up a good size of set on the floor. The bow and curtsey were neat.
The Strathspey step of some of the dancers appears bouncy probably because of a quick close into 3rd position. Care must be taken not to pass feet so that a good 3rd position is apparent.
Formations were well-phrased and turns well-covered, though you might look at bringing hands up together.
Handing was pleasing and the continuity was quite good - the continuity between reels must be flowing, with no pause.

Miss Cahoon's Reel (J)
The music was possibly a little fast to make the most of technique. As a result the flight in the skip change was not evident.
Pas de basque was rhythmic and showed the transfer of weight. Skip change of step needs to maintain the outward rotation in 2nd position.
On occasions the penultimate reel went adrift.
The formations were quite well done. Handing was not as neat as in the strathspey.
Covering in the last reel was excellent however the 1st reel had problems occasionally.
A commendable demonstration overall.

Mark: 88

Mixed Team

The team danced very well. Again, we had problems with the quick time being played too fast.

Adjudicator's Remarks

Miss Catherine Allan (S)
The team took up a good sized set on the floor.
Many of the dancers need to stretch the leg when urging forward in strathspey and to take greater care of the feet in the rear aerial in the setting step. In the lead down give a little more space between dancers.
The figure in the middle was neatly done, though couples didn't arrive at corners by the same method. Covering to the corners was excellent. Reel across 3rd time through were a little ragged.
As a general guide try to think of strathspey step as strong and smooth. Eye contact with partners and handing were well done.

Minard Castle (R)
After a very neat curtsey and bow, the dancers made a fine entry into the right hands across. Links between the reels were very well performed.
The circles had a good shape and slip steps were neat. Care needs to be taken in pas de basque - extension to 4th intermediate must be kept low.
Unfortunately there were a few hesitations but it was danced with scottish character.

Mark: 87

The display seemed to go very well. A video of the performance can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stCkk1eA9ik.
Unfortunately, I did not think that the announcement needed to give the names of the dances. I apologise for that.
It seems that Peter Clark was after a more traditional performance.

Well done to the Edinburgh branch for putting together a good demonstration and executing it well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your hard work prior to the festival.