10 December 2008

Semester 1 Week 10

Step Practice
  • Pas de basque
  • skip change of step
  • slip step
  • strathspey travelling into setting

Airyhall Delight
32 Jig, RSCDS Book 40

1-4 1,2 set half RA
5-8 1,3 half RL
9-12 3,1 set half LA
13-16 2,1 half RL
17-22 1s lead down 4 steps and up 2 steps
23-24 all set
25-32 6 hands round and back

Turned out to be a nice social dance, works well if you keep the set narrow.

Awkward for 1st lady in first 16 bars.

17-24 are harder than they look on paper.

The Silver Strathspey
32 Strathspey, RSCDS Book 44

1-4 1s set cast 1
5-8 2,1,3 set circle half way left
9-12 1s Xr cast to r while 3,2 set half RA
13-16 1s Xr cast to r while 2,3 set half RA
17-20 1W with 2s, 1M with 3s, half rs reel 3
21-24 1s Tb 1.5
25-32 3,1,2 Knot

A nice dance with lots of technical points in it and covering.

Alan J Smith
32 Jig, RSCDS Book 45

1-4 Set dance down one place
5-8 1M3M Tl while 1W3WTr
9-16 Double Triangles
17-24 CPC Xr
25-32 6 hands round and back

A nice dance with some unusual features.


I will be stepping down as the demonstration class teacher at the end of this term. I will be moving to Manchester to take up a new job. Thanks for being a great class and making it enjoyable to teach you.

We will be having a class next week which will be my last class.