Step Practice
- Slip step: Need to get the legs well turned out. Closing in 1st position and getting a good spring in the step.
- Skip change: Need to get a good straight leg at the start of your skip change of step
- Strathspey traveling: Need to think about being strong and smooth. Need to get a good urge at the start of the step and make sure that you close in 3rd everytime.
- Circle round and back in jig time: Make sure that you keep your body and hips facing across the circle.
- Circle in strasthpey time: Keep the shoulders facing across and twist your hips. Still need to see a good strong strathspey traveling step. Close in 3rd rear aerial when changing direction in the circle
- 3 couple knot: Key thing is to release hands at the end of bar 5. Make sure that you have a good wide turn so that you end up directly opposite your partner and not diagonally opposite.
Airyhall Delight
8x32 Jig Book 40
- 1&2 set, right hands across half way. 1&3 half rights and lefts.
- 3&1 set, left hands across half way. 2&1 half rights and lefts.
- 1st couple lead down for 4, up for 2, all three couples set
- 6 hands round and back.
- 1st lady going from the left hands across into the rights and lefts.
- Getting back up to second place and setting
- 1st couple cross down into 6 bar mirror reels of three on the side lines.
- 1st man crosses in front of 1st lady while 2nd couple continue reel into top place.
- All 3 couples dance the knot, 1st couple finish facing their 1st corner
- Half reel of 4 on the first corner diagonal, 1st couple turn left so that 1st lady faces 2nd lady's place and 1st man faces 3rd man's place, half diagonal reel of four on the second corner diagonal with 1st couple crossing right at the end. Finish 213 on the opposite side.
- 6 hands round and back.
This dance is a bit of a goer, but a lot of fun. Hopefully it will get published in the NS 60th book. Suggestions for titles are welcomed.