Strathspey travelling step
- Starts with a dip
- Need to get a straight leg
- Make sure you are closing in third and are not too high on your toes
- Really reach out to second with a slight dip
- Close in third rear, again not too high on the toes
- Step out again and slowly bring the foot up behind, ladies not too high on the leg, the toe should be touching the heel
Setting into 2 steps forward
- Looked at the transition between the two steps
- At end of setting step, bring the leg up behind to complete the setting step before going forward
- At the end of the traveling step, bring the leg up to third rear areal before setting
8x32 Strathspey Book 5/1982
- 1s set turn both hands, dance down one place while the 2s dance up the side lines, 1s turn both hands finishing facing your first corner (lady releases right hand, man left hand to open the turn out)
- Turn 1st corner with right hand to lines across the dance
- Corners set facing in diagonally while the 1s set advancing to face their 2nd corners
- 1s turn 2nd corner with right hand to side lines
- Corners set facing in diagonally while the 1s set advancing to their partner's 1st corner
- Half diagonal reel of four with 1st corners, 1s pass left shoulder into half diagonal reel of four with 2nd corners, finish passing left shoulder in the centre of the dance
- All chase round clockwise to own side of the dance, 1s come dance to be between the 2s and 3s for the chase
- All turn both hands, starting from the side lines
This dance is all about phrasing. Try to give yourselves plenty of distance to cover even with the last 2 steps of a phrase.
Make sure your turns have wide hands and that your shoulders are facing each other, i.e. you are not squint.
Corners have to stay awake to remember to set.
Try to make sure that the spacing between couples in the chase is even.
Cover the turn at the end which starts from the side lines.
Miss Cahoon's Reel
8x48 Jig Book 13
Minard Castle
8x40 Reel Book 22
You must learn the dances. I will not be able to call them to you on the day of the festival. The points to remember for each dance have been posted this semester. Look over the old posts.